
  • Ron Van Kemenade - Chief Operating Officer - は、University of TwenteのMaster in Public Administrationを保持。
    Lloyds Banking Group - 銀行 - 英国
  • Rutger Wijburg - Chief Operating Officer - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineeringを保持。
    Infineon Technologies - 半導体 - ドイツ連邦共和国
  • Joep van Beurden - Member of the Supervisory Board - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Scienceを保持。
  • Thessa Menssen - Member of the Supervisory Board - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Business Administrationを保持。
    Aalberts Industries - 工業用装備 - オランダ王国
  • Hermen Hulst - Chief Executive Officer of Studio Business Group - has a Master of Science in Technology Management from University of Twente and Bachelor in Philosophy from University of Amsterdam.
    Sony Interactive Entertainment - ビデオゲーム - アメリカ合衆国(米国)
  • Gerrit-Jan Steenbergen - Group Retail Technology Director - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Mechanical Engineeringを保持。
  • Guus Schoorlemmer - Head of Non-Financial and Model Risk - は、University of TwenteのTechnical Business Degreeを保持。
  • Edwin Roks - Managing Director - は、University of TwenteのPhD in Semiconductor Physicsを保持。
  • Wouter van Tol - Head of Sustainability and Community Affairs - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Arts in Communication Scienceを保持。
    DS Smith - 梱包 - 英国
  • Edwin Roks - Chief Executive Officer - は、University of TwenteのPhD in Semiconductor Physicsを保持。
  • Gerrit Niemeijer - Chief Technology Officer - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Computer Scienceを保持。
  • Marieke Snoep - Chief Consumer Market Officer - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Mechanical Engineering , Production and Operations Managementを保持。
  • Gerben Edelijn - Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Netherlands - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Electrical Engineeringを保持。
  • Joost van Kuijk - Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Marketing Officer - has a PhD in Micro Mechanics from University of Twente and Master in Mechanical Engineering from Delft University of Technology.
  • Gerben Edelijn - Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Electrical Engineeringを保持。
    Thales Netherlands - 防衛・宇宙産業 - オランダ王国
  • Johannes Berg - Vice President of Ecommerce and Product Management - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Engineering and Business Administrationを保持。
  • Conrad Keijzer - Independent Director - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Industrial Engineeringを保持。
  • Rick Middel - Human Resources Director - は、University of TwenteのPhD in Business Administration and Managementを保持。
  • Peter Zwinkels - Vice President Sales, Global Submarine Solutions - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Science in Industrial Engineering and Managementを保持。
  • Rahul Vas-Bhat - Chief Financial Officer - has a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering from University of Twente and Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from University of Mumbai.
  • Frank Hagemeier - Head of Manufacturing Excellence, Rail Infrastructure - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Business Administrationを保持。
  • Nils Bosma - General Manager, Health, Safety, Security and Environment and External Affairs - はUniversity of Twenteを卒業。
    Shell Netherlands - 石油&ガス - オランダ王国
  • Carlijn Oosterik - Human Resources Director - は、University of TwenteのMaster of Scienceを保持。
  • Hans van der Noordaa - Chairman of the Supervisory Board - は、University of TwenteのBachelor's Degree, Management Science and Economicsを保持。
    Deloitte Netherlands - 会計監査・会計 - オランダ王国
  • Henk-Jan Poerink - Senior Vice President, Global Operations - は、University of TwenteのMaster in Mechanical Engineeringを保持。












