
  • Andrea Morgan-Schönwetter - Head of Recruiting and Talent Marketing - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Regensburg and Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Regensburg.
  • Tanja Rueckert - Member of the Management Board, Digital Business, Services and Industrial Technology Business Sector - has a Philosophy Doctorate in Chemistry from University of Regensburg and Philosophy Doctorate in Chemistry from Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg.
  • Silja Pieh - Chief Strategy Officer - has a Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Regensburg and Bachelor of Economic Geography from University of Regensburg.
  • Nikolaus von Bomhard - Chairman of the Board - has a PhD from University of Regensburg and Bachelor of Laws from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
    Deutsche Post DHL - 貨物運輸 - ドイツ連邦共和国
  • Oliver Pfeil - Chief Executive Officer, Business Services - は、University of RegensburgのDegree in Economicsを保持。
  • Nico Reiner - Chief Financial Officer - は、University of RegensburgのDegree in Business Administrationを保持。
  • Nina Graf-Vlachy - General Manager of Sports (starts in Aug 2024) - has a Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Chemistry from University of Regensburg and Diploma in Chemistry from University of Ljubljana.
  • Bettina Orlopp - Member of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer - は、University of RegensburgのPhDを保持。
  • Hubert Altschaeffl - Member of the Executive Board, Chief Human Resources Officer and Labour Director - はUniversity of Regensburgを卒業。
    MAN Truck & Bus - 自動車 - ドイツ連邦共和国
  • Hermann Waldemer - Chairman of the Supervisory Board - は、University of RegensburgのMaster's Degree, Finance , Taxation , Auditを保持。
  • Franz-Josef Kortum - Director - は、University of RegensburgのMaster of Business Administrationを保持。
  • Andreas Spitzauer - Head of Investor Relations - はUniversity of Regensburgを卒業。
  • Mathias Boenke - Senior Vice President of Europe, Middle East and Africa - はUniversity of Regensburgを卒業。
    New Balance Athletic Shoes - スポーツ用品 - アメリカ合衆国(米国)
  • Nikolaus von Bomhard - Chairman of the Supervisory Board - has a PhD from University of Regensburg and Bachelor of Laws from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
  • Thomas Wozniewski - Global Manufacturing and Supply Officer - は、University of RegensburgのDoctor of Pharmacyを保持。
    Takeda Pharmaceutical - 医薬品 - 日本国
  • Bob Mescher - Senior Vice President, Casualty - has a German Academic Exchange Service Degree in German Studies from University of Regensburg and Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, Economics, History and German from University of Saint Thomas.
  • Kristina Gerteiser - Partner, Transportation and Operations - has a Doctor of Philosophy in European and International Law from University of Regensburg and Master of Laws in European and International Law from University of Aberdeen.
  • Ulrika Wedberg - Executive Vice President, Sustainability and Public Affairs - は、University of RegensburgのMaster of Lawsを保持。
  • Philipp Richter - Head of Marketing Management, International - は、University of RegensburgのBusiness Administration Degreeを保持。
  • Daniel Spindler - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director - は、University of RegensburgのDoctor of Philosophy in Studies of Business Administrationを保持。
    Siemens India - 電気電子部品 - インド
  • Robert Hofmeister - Director - は、University of RegensburgのPhD in Immunologyを保持。
    Alaunos Therapeutics - 医薬品 - アメリカ合衆国(米国)
  • Bettina Orlopp - Member of the Supervisory Board - は、University of RegensburgのPhDを保持。
    KfW Bankengruppe - 銀行 - ドイツ連邦共和国
  • Nelufer Ansari - Head Strategic and Special Tasks - has a Master of Science in Real Estate from University of Regensburg and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management from University of Mannheim.
    Swiss Life Asset Managers - 持株会社 - スイス連邦
  • Bettina Orlopp - Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board - は、University of RegensburgのPhDを保持。
  • Nick Sayeedi - Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer - はUniversity of Regensburgを卒業。












