
  • Valerie Gillot - Head of Group External and Business Communications - has a Degree in Technical and Scientific Communication from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Master in Fundamental Physics from Paris-Saclay University.
  • Helene Lannibois-Dréan - Managing Director, Saint-Gobain Research, Paris - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのDoctor of Philosophy in Physical Chemistryを保持。
  • Maude Portigliatti - Member of the Group Executive Committee, Executive Vice President, High Tech Materials - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのPhD in Polymer Physicsを保持。
  • Sandrine Sommer - Chief Sustainability Officer - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのMaster in Physics and Chemistryを保持。
  • Eric Papin - Member of the Executive Committee, Executive Vice President, Technical - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのBacheler in Mechanical DEAを保持。
  • David Grout - Chief Technology Officer of EMEA - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのGeneral Academic Studies Degreeを保持。
  • Armand Ajdari Arkema - Research and Development Director, Chief Technology Officer - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのPhD in Theoretical Physicsを保持。
  • Frederic Dufaux - Deputy Chief Executive Officer - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのMaster in Telecommunicationを保持。
  • Nathalie Varoqueaux - Executive Medical Director - has a Research Doctorate, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Board Certification Hematology from Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII).
    Amgen France - 医薬品 - フランス共和国
  • Mario Ruscev - Independent Director - has a Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Physics from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Physics from Yale University.
  • Isabelle Bertin-Bailly - Group Vice President, Worldwide Human Resources & Operations - has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Graduate in Organizational Psychology from Golden Gate University.
  • Alain Biem - Chief Data Science Officer - has a PhD in Computer Sciences from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Master of Science in Statistics and Telecommunications from Télécom Sud Paris.
    New York Life Insurance - 保険 - アメリカ合衆国(米国)
  • Lisa Attia - Chief Executive Officer - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curieのdegree, physical chemistry of polymersを保持。
  • Marie Marmey - Director of Agency, Provence - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのMaster in Quality Environment Health Safetyを保持。
  • Sophie Thieux-Billiard - Head of Sales Financing Products - has a Master in Finance from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Master of Science in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from Glasgow University.
    UBS France - 銀行 - フランス共和国
  • Emmanuel Dubreuil - Insurance and Reinsurance Initiatives Director - はUniversite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curieを卒業。
  • Keyvan Shamsa - Business Technology Director - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのPhD in Computer Scienceを保持。
  • Christophe Eychenne-Baron - Group Research and Development Director - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのPhDを保持。
  • André Ulmann - Director - has a PhD from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Doctor of Medicine from Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII).
  • Cyrille Strugarek - Head of Business Development - has a Master, Probability and Applications from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Engineer, Applied Mathematics from ENSTA Paris.
    Athora Ireland - 保険 - アイルランド
  • Emmanuel Dubreuil - Director - はUniversite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curieを卒業。
  • Benoist Grossmann - Chief Executive Officer, Eurazeo Investment Manager, Managing Partner Venture - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのDoctor of Philosophy in Physicsを保持。
  • Pierre Lhoste - Partner and Managing Director, Advisory - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのBachelor of Mathematicsを保持。
  • Sophie Desormiere - Director - has a Master in Chemistry from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie and Bachelor, Maths, Physics and Chemistry from Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie Curie.
  • Edouard Bidou - Chief Operating Officer - は、Universite Paris VI Pierre at Marie CurieのMedical Doctor, Public Health Specialistを保持。












